Message to Market Training Programme

For business owners who want to attract ideal customers, my ‘Message to Market’ training programme helps you do that in an easy, step-by-step way.

I talk to many business owners and each owner knows that they need marketing. So they start with a Facebook campaign or do some advertising. Maybe they try networking or create a blog. But despite putting effort in, they aren’t getting the results they want. Something is missing. However, the only missing element is that they’ve just started three steps ahead.

So in order to get results you want, you need to start at the beginning.

In this online training programme, we take an inside out approach. Rather than focusing on how you communicate first like social media, press releases, flyers, websites, we look to the core of what it is you sell – the benefits of your solution. And when your prospects understand, they buy. Clarity creates sales. 

We look at your values and your message. Once we’ve finessed that, we work on your writing your message – what words to use, what words to avoid. Thirdly, we decide what channels or marketing methods will put you in front of your potential customers, rather than wasting time (and money) using channels that are not right for your business.

It’s a three step process – we create, write and promote your message.

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  1. We create your message about what is unique about you (Your USP).
  2. We use the right language that resonates and relates.
  3. We go to market using the marketing channels that is right for you.


Because of my inside out approach, marketing becomes easier – You know what to say, when to say it and who to say it to.

Time Commitment

There are two sayings that I love
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  1. Action = success.
  2. Money loves speed.


This programme has been created with the busy business owner in mind...those who wear so many hats on a daily basis. The curriculum is specifically designed to get better at marketing in as little as one hour a week!

But you will have to put time into this programme – as my Dad always says ‘you get out what you put in‘. I don’t mean be be rude or harsh but I’ve kept the time commitment to a minimum but you will have to do the minimum.

So, here’s how it all works

You and I work together for one hour a month. It’s intense so no distractions are allowed.  Then you have homework to do in the intervening weeks. At every step of the process, you have direct support from me. Plus you get access to the weekly Google hangouts where I give advice on the specific module of the month so you can discover more about the topic, which will help with your homework.

At the end of the six months, you will be armed with an arsenal of marketing tools, formulas, case-studies and templates which will allow you to go to market with clarity and consistency.

If you’re ready to get the ideal clients, make marketing easier on you, then I would love for you to join us.

It’s time to get started. Waiting will only cost you more time and lost ideal clients.

I’d love for you to join us – so apply today to get started. Just fill in the form below.

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P.S. Want to shorten the timeframe? Fill in the form and let me know so we can chat about it.

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