Ex Corporate Exec turned Small Business Owner
who understands the Power of Marketing when
running a Small Business.

You started your business to help your clients yet you're finding it hard to reach more people...

You're not alone. Rest assured with a few changes to your marketing, you'll become more visible and create a community of raving fans.

I'm Denise Fay, and my mission is to help you to stand out, step up, become more visible to attract the right clients and then market your business your way...and create a community of raving fans.

After 9 years of working in multi-nationals and a Fortune 500 company, I started Achieve Marketing in 2006 to help business owners stand out from the crowd, find their voice, become more visible to their prospective clients to create the change they want to make in the world.

I like working with business owners like you, because once you create and deliver the right message to the right audience, in your own way, magic happens. You'll create the change and the ripple effect you want.

I work with clients on a one to one basis or in group training programmes with The Achievers Club. We follow the six stage process of The FAY WAY to Marketing.


What Clients Say...


"Denise loves sharing her knowledge and insights to help your business - without the jargon and she doesn't talk down to you, like most 'marketing people' do. She genuinely wants to see you succeed."

— Paul Davis
Davis Business Consultants

"Denise not only hears what you say but more importantly, she has an amazing ability to read between the lines and draw out those hopes and dreams you have for your business but are afraid to say out loud."

— Suzanne Griffin
Movement Coach

"Denise Fay is a PR Powerhouse."

— Angela O'Leary
AG Associates

More About Denise Fay 

Whether you are a Marketing Director in a corporate organisation, the owner of a small business, an event organiser, a member of an association committee, looking to use marketing & communication as tools for growth, Denise Fay has the message, the method, the knowledge and the energy to deliver on your objective.

Denise is an engaging communicator who really believes in the power of stepping up, being truly who you are and putting that into your marketing communication processes and your marketing message.

A true believer in the power of community and engaging others to act, she gives her time freely to local and international organisations, such as

  • Secretary of Ladies Gaelic Football Association (LGFA) club, Mattock Rangers
  • Mentor to the U11 girls team in LGFA Mattock Rangers,
  • Vice Chair of her local community group - Collon Community Together
  • Marketing Director of the Professional Speaking Association (PSA) UKI.

As a marathon runner who has run in excess of 10+marathons, she understands the importance of endurance and discipline to achieve goals...while having fun too. She crosses every finish line with a smile.

If you want to work with someone who cares about your business, your results, your goals as much as you do, then look no further than Denise Fay.



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