Is Copy-writing the Nutmeg of Marketing?

copywriting is hidden ingredient to marketingI was making dinner last night and went to the spice cupboard. Nutmeg fell out and covered the floor! While I was clearing up, I remembered a conversation I had over Twitter with TV food and wine guru Tom Doorley about dinner a while ago. He was editing a recipe and I happened to be making a chicken and mushroom pie. I told him that nutmeg made the difference – the sauce was simply delicious by using this little hidden ingredient.

 Is copywriting the nutmeg of marketing?

But it got me thinking though – could copy-writing be the nutmeg of marketing? I firmly believe that written communication methods (brochures, blogs, websites, adverts, social media posts) needs good writing, in fact, it’s calling out for good writing.

Too many people with fantastic products and services write blogs and websites that simply jar the reader’s consciousness. Something happens in the subconscious when you’re reading bad copy and it simply makes you want to move away from the page. This incongruence doesn’t help when you’re trying to sell a product or service.

Think Nutmeg when Writing

This is a time unlike any other in recent history. There are buyers out there for your product or service; they are just more selective with their cash. So the next time you sit down to write a letter, blog, flyer or presentation, think about nutmeg. What’s the hidden ingredient that can add the ‘wow’ factor to your marketing? It’s your writing. Write as if you’re wearing your readers shoes.

To answer my own question, yes – copywriting is the nutmeg of marketing. It’s the hidden ingredient to successful marketing. I’ve seen it with clients all year.

Use it for your recipe to successful marketing. Make the most of the holiday sales.

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