Lets Talk Marketing Assets.
So what is a marketing asset? A marketing asset is something tangible, that is of value to your client, customer or prospect that will lead to a return. It’s everything from your email list to your blog posts; your logo to your photos; your emails to your press releases.
The chances are that you have many marketing assets, lying discarded on shelves, google drives, dropboxes and a clatter of online platforms.
For this podcast we talk about your content marketing assets and how it’s so important to audit what you have.
The purpose of doing a marketing asset audit is to see what you have already, prioritise it, repurpose it or dump it and really see what you need rather than what you want.
In this podcast, we talk about
- the 29 marketing assets (and more) that you have lying around
- explain why it’s important you audit what you have
- Assess the usability of what you have
- Clarify what marketing assets do you really need v want to create
The marketing assets audit does just that – helps you audit your marketing assets. To support you in this task, I’ve created an easy to use template that will help you audit your assets. Get your free copy here – https://www.achievemarketing.ie/marketingasset
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The Achievers Club exists because if want to grow your business, you shouldn’t have to feel confused, alone or unsupported.