This episode is dedicated to putting the Relationship back into Relationship Marketing.
This podcast was inspired by two quotes; the first one was one I posted for my weekly Monday Motivation post on all my social channels and the second was on I saw on Forbes Facebook.
What did they have in common?
Customers and relationships.
This podcast is the start in a series of podcasts dedicated to relationship marketing.
I have been a firm believer in Relationship Marketing since the early 2000s, having wrote a thesis on Relationship Marketing in the Airline Industry for my Masters of Business Studies in the Smurfit Business School in 2002.
Lets just say, marketing principles don’t change. 🙂
In this podcast, which gives you food for thought on your own relationship marketing strategy, we talk about three things:
1. What is relationship marketing?
2. Three reasons why you should put the relationship back into relationship marketing
3. Three questions to ask yourself about relationship marketing
This podcast is a food for thought podcast – either introducing you or re-introducing you to the idea of relationship marketing.
It’s something I’m really passionate about – I’d love to hear your thoughts on it.
You are invited to join The Achievers Club Podcast Community over at our facebook page too.
Or if you’d prefer, Tag me on social. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this one.
Remember, I don’t mind if you’re going one mile an hour or 100 miles an hour, just keep the marketing momentum going.
Links mentioned in the podcast – free training on Helping you Write Words that Work. Words are everywhere, but there’s so much boring copy, which leads to lost sales and customers. This training helps change that transforms ho-hum copy into magic, helping make you more income and impact.
Then come join the conversation –
You’re invited to join The Achievers Club Community Facebook group. Come and join us.
Get in touch using any of the social channels..whichever you prefer:
- Denise Fay on Instagram. (I’m usually on this one!)
- Denise Fay on Facebook.
- Denise Fay on Linkedin
- Denise’s personal website
- Denise’s company website
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Thank you, Denise
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When you’re ready to achieve more, here are two ways to achieve with me:
1. Join the Membership community at The Achievers Club This is where you’ll get weekly support and monthly training from me personally –
2. Schedule a call to talk to me directly. It’s on me and lets get you achieving-