The Budget, The Economy & A Warning for 2012

My son’s favourite song at the moment is ‘See Saw, Margery Daw‘.
And you know what? I feel like that myself to be honest. On one side is the Christmassy music and twinkling lights; the other the effects of the budget and the euro crisis.
It’s like, how do we move out of the position we’re all in and plan for good times in 2012?
And for whatever reason, that wonderful speech by Al Pacino in Any Given Sunday keeps coming into my mind. He says “we can fight our way back to the light”, “one inch at a time.” and “either we heal now as a team or we will die as individuals”.
Isn’t that what it all comes down too? Working together to support each other?
This year, my book was published to help SMEs to write better copy so businesses can build relationships and get sales. And I’m not alone. Amazon is full of people who have written books to help other people. Entrepreneurs the world have businesses which simply help and support other businesses. There are networks in every town,in every city, in every country – with the purpose of helping each other.
Look, I’m not saying that we should ignore the budget or the euro crisis or we should all sing ‘Kumbaya‘ by the fireside; I’m just saying that we have a choice.
We have a choice to listen to the negativity and truly feel it or we have a choice to make the best of things. We all set up our businesses with different dreams but with a common theme – be in control of our own destiny.
The choice is yours to make for 2012. Make the right one.
And take a few minutes to see this wonderful inspirational speech:

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